WoW G910
Version History
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AddOn 3.2 28 May 21
Added compatibility with WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade.
AddOn 3.1 13 Mar 21
Updated to show current for Shadowlands patch 9.0.5 and Classic 1.13.6
Fixed display of animation when you deposit anima into your covenant reservoir.
Animations will now play when you pickup Redeemed Souls and Soul Ash.
Improved Shadowlands taxi animation to appear when playing WoW in languages other than English.
Windows 7.1 29 Nov 20
Fixes problem in version 7.0 of not remembering newly-programmed lighting profiles
Adds new debugging info for those getting the “You appear to have 32-bit Java installed…” error
Windows 7.0 18 Oct 20
Includes all the new features from Mac version 7.0
Changed the assumed location of the Warcraft directory from “Program Files (x32)” to “Program Files”:
(Assumed location only affects those installing WoW G910 for the first time.)
Profile import and export menu items located in Lights (versus File) menu.
Bundled with G910xmit version 3.0.
Mac 7.0 18 Oct 20
The Shadowlands update!
Can export and import color profile files (.keycolormap):
New animation: keyboard lights pulse during some Covenant, Soul binding, and Runeforging interactions.
New animation: sweep color across your keyboard when you gain Anima.
New animation: keyboard echos the on-screen “amina pathways” animation when you taxi to/from Oribos.
New multi-color default keyboard map (instead of solid cyan) for new users and unprogrammed profile numbers.
The automatic resynch after login will no longer show unnecessary “Reset the message queue…” messages in WoW G910.
Removed the “Override LGS profile” checkbox that was deactivated in version 6 but still hanging around since April.
Now requires macOS 10.12 or newer.
Bundled with G910xmit version 3.0:
Mac 6.0.1 30 Apr 20
Brings all the features from Windows version 6.0 to the Mac, with a few changes:
Fixed error in mono-color animation code that prevented intended colors from showing…much prettier now!
Bundled with G910xmit ver 2.7 for WoW and Classic
Windows 6.0 22 Apr 20
Accelerated nearly every animation by 0.3s by removing (imperfect) support for overlaying the LGS profile.
Lighting changes limited to keyboard so as not to leave random colors on the mouse and headphones.
Added menu interface for all functions of the app. Don’t have to discover hidden click codes!
Added automatic launch to start, WoW, or WoW Classic when WoW G910 starts.
Debugging output shows hexadecimal message codes and filters nulls for compatibility.
Now properly detects when WoW Classic is running to apply light changes.
Will stop blinking a newly-ready spell light if you cast the spell again.
New combat and bind hearthstone animations for G213.
Added launch button on main screen for WoW Classic.
All launch buttons now make a sound when clicked.
Updated runtime library.
Bundled with G910xmit v2.7 for WoW and WoW Classic.
Detects when WoW fails to send a message properly and retries until it goes through.
Windows 5.5.2 22 Jan 20
Updated runtime library.
Bundled with G910xmit v2.6 for both WoW and WoW Classic (see notes below).
Mac 5.5 22 Jan 20
G-keys and Logo lights can now be selected as action bar cooldown indicators.
Fixed bug which could make app crash when Mac was told to sleep, and sometimes when quitting.
Closing the main window properly closes any other app windows and quits and app.
Bundled with G910xmit ver 2.6:
Bundled with G910xmit Classic ver 2.6:
Windows 5.5.1 15 Dec 19
Restored some library support files to zip that may have prevented the app from running.
Windows 5.5 2 Sep 19
G-keys and Logo lights can now be selected as action bar cooldown indicators.
Updated runtime library version.
Bundled with G910xmit v2.5 for both WoW and WoW Classic.
Windows 5.4 19 Aug 19
Fixed the pop-up menu in the light programmer window to show the active color profile correctly.
Updated Logitech library to restore G Hub compatibility.
Bundled with G910xmit v2.5 for both WoW and WoW Classic.
Mac 5.4 18 Aug 19
Fixed the pop-up menu in the light programmer window to show the active color profile correctly.
In the bindings window menus, keys used as combat flashers show © instead of (combat).
Larger default Help window.
Bundled with G910xmit ver 2.5:
Bundled with G910xmit Classic ver 2.5:
Windows 5.3 11 Jul 19
Updated runtime library version.
Bundled with G910xmit v2.4 for WoW patch 8.2.
Includes all new features of Mac version 5.3 except for light profile change on alt-tab.
Mac 5.3 9 Jul 19
The CAPS LOCK and ENTER keys now also pulse red during combat.
New animation plays when your Heart of Azeroth levels up and when you socket a new power.
Bringing another app in front of WoW will now make Profile 2 lighting show, if that option is enabled for typing windows.
Bundled with G910xmit ver 2.4:
Mac 5.2 24 Jan 19
Expands number of keyboard color profiles from 2 to 9 and adds “Copy Profile” feature.
Bundled with G910xmit ver 2.3 supporting control for 9 color profiles.
Windows 5.2 20 Jan 19
Updated runtime library version.
Autocorrects WoW identifier if not fixed by user.
Expands number of color profiles from 2 to 9 and adds Copy feature.
Bundled with G910xmit ver 2.3 supporting control for 9 color profiles.
AddOn 2.2 14 Dec 18
Added code to eliminate redundant cooldown light messages to reduce lagginess in busy combat
Shows current for patch 8.1.
Mac 5.0 24 Sep 18
Same executable bundled with G910xmit AddOn ver 2.1.1.
Windows 5.1 23 Sep 18
Corrected default name of WoW from wow-64.exe to wow.exe.
Updated with latest Logitech SDK to work with LGS 9.02.61 or G HUB 2018.9.2843.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn ver 2.1.1 with /g512 command names and extra change mode signals.
Windows 5.0 4 Jul 18
Includes new features from Mac version 5.0.
Remembers and restores main window position.
New “About” box with info and links; click on the keyboard art to view.
Fixed bug that could break the menus in the Configure Cooldown Keys window.
Bundled .exe application; no longer requires installing Java; interface is 4K screen friendly.
Mac 5.0 4 Jul 18
Reorganized application options moving most items from the main window to the Keyboard Color Programmer window.
Removed restriction that all number row keys and Fn keys bound to an action slot must be the same color. Go wild!
Expanded the palette of custom colors to paint on keys from 8 to 12. Go wilder!!
Added “Preview” button to toggle all keys bound to an action slot to show as if the slot was on cooldown.
Updated the Configure Cooldown Keys window to show the WoW 8.0 action bar layout (action bar 5 moved).
Now allows Ins, Del, Home, End, and Pg Up/Dn keys to be used as cooldown keys by removing them from combat flashers.
In-combat pulsing red lights now pulse more quickly as the player’s life decreases.
Messaging and animation systems are faster due to several enhancements.
Added fix to persistency of grey key lights when dead.
New animation triggered by an in-game role check.
New animation triggered whenever Azerite is gained.
Animation plays when Heart of Azeroth levels up.
Fix to remembering window position on screen.
Fixed interface to make it clear “Single Color Mode” is only usable when “Override LGS” is also selected.
Binding your hearthstone now plays an animation in Single Color Mode.
Using LGS version 8.98, WoW G910 will now change the lights on G633 & G933 headsets and RGB speakers (identical to mouse).
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 2.0:
Windows 4.2 3 Mar 18
All features from the Mac version 4.2.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.15
Mac 4.2 3 Mar 18
Instead of a brief white flash, action bar lights how rapidly blink on and off when a spell becomes ready.
The duration of the flashing lights is user-selectable from none (0.01 sec) to 5 seconds or more. Default is 1 second.
Note: flashing will not be interrupted if/when the action slot goes back on cooldown, so using 1 to 3 seconds is best.
Supports new super-charged update feature for action bar lights. Can resync all 30 lights in 4 seconds vs. 12.
When not in Override LGS color mode, the reset button (and /g910r from AddOn) will attempt to restore the LGS color scheme.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.15:
Windows 4.1A 2 Sep 17
Unchanged app bundled with updated G910xmit AddOn version 1.14.
Mac 4.1 2 Sep 17
Main window now remembers its location.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.14:
Windows 4.1 31 Jul 17
Added multi-screen support; app will work with WoW on any screen.
Fixed bug that would stop animations after you did calibration.
Mac 4.0a 8 Apr 17
Unchanged app bundled with AddOn version 1.12.
Windows 4.0 2 Apr 17
Brings total action bar key control from Mac 4.0 to the PC version; read more below.
Added a second message to calibration button clicks to make status clear.
Includes other combat chat toggling and animation fixes from Mac v4.0.
Bundled with G910xmit version 1.12 to fix a timing error plus 1.11 fixes.
Mac 4.0 31 Mar 17
New interface to customize action bar cooldown mapping; now choose any key to map to any slot.
“Switch to Profile 2 for chat automatically” now works while in combat.
Minor fixes to animations for death and change spec
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.11:
Windows 3.0.1 25 Feb 17
Additional keys on European keyboards will now match nearest neighbor instead of showing white.
Fixed mouseover tool tips.
Windows 3.0 20 Feb 17
Big leap in version number to celebrate the big leap in features! Windows app now on par with Mac.
Full keyboard color programmer replaces creating a WoW profile in LGS and adds features.
Option to automatically switch profiles when any typing window opens.
Create two color profiles and switch between them in-game.
Improved blending of animations over keyboard profile.
Applies custom colors only when WoW is running.
Mac 3.0 8 Jan 17
The G910 G-keys and logo lights are now included in the Color Programmer and can be set for each profile.
Squashed a bug that could get the app stuck in cinematic dark mode.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.10:
Windows 1.6 8 Jan 17
Incorporates the stuck cinematic mode bug fix incorporated in Mac version 3.0.
Bundled with AddOn version 1.10 with new /G910actionbars command.
Windows 1.5 4 Jan 17
Incorporates sticky death bug fix incorporated in Mac version 2.2.
Bundled with AddOn version 1.9 to support death bug fix.
Mac 2.2 4 Jan 17
Finally tracked down and fixed the “sticky death” bug; death animation should clear on all rezzes now.
New code requires macOS version 10.10 or newer; macOS 10.9 is no longer supported.
When in single-color animation mode, the pulsing combat lights should no longer be interrupted.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.9:
Windows 1.4 19 Dec 16
Added single-color animation option for keyboards without per-key illumination (e.g. G213).
Bundled with AddOn version 1.8 current for Legion.
Mac 2.1 11 Dec 16
Added new option for single-color animations for keyboards without per-key illumination, such as the G213.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.8:
Mac 2.0 29 Oct 16
The large G logo and the G910 logo light in the palm rest will pulse red with the others when in combat.
Several of the G_ keys will pulse with the others when you’re dead.
Big internal code changes, including:
Fixed color restore on G logo and G_ keys following a cinematic blackout.
Fixed color problem specific to the left-shift key.
Bundled with G910xmit AddOn version 1.7:
Windows 1.3 19 Sep 16
Both “logo” lights now also flash red when in combat.
Added five new animations introduced in Mac version 1.6.
Updated to Logitech SDK v8.87.116 with 32/64 bit fix and new features.
Some animations updated to partially blend into LGS background profile.
Bundled with AddOn version 1.6.1. Same as Mac but with fix to death animation.
Mac 1.6 5 Sep 16
Added three new animations for Legion: Open forge, Upgrade Artifact, Close Forge.
Added new animation when you set your hearthstone to a new location.
Added new animation when you transmog your gear.
Displays the existing “ready check” animation when you’re challenged to a duel.
Fixed Mac-only bug that could toggle the color profile if you opened a chat box while dead.
Windows 1.2 21 Aug 16
Separated 32-bit and 64-bit versions again.
Version must match the installed default Java Runtime bit mode.
Added error alert and graceful exit if app’s bit mode doesn’t match the Java Runtime.
Windows 1.1A 23 Jul 16
Unchanged PC application now bundled with version 1.5 of the AddOn for Legion.
Mac 1.5 23 Jul 16
AddOn now appears up-to-date for the Legion patch (WoW 7.0).
Modified AddOn to trigger “spec change” animation only when player changes specializations.
Playing the animation every time the player changed a talent was a mistake.
Adjusted AddOn to prioritize “into combat” animation ahead of action bar cooldown animations.
Modified application to reduce Mac CPU usage.
Windows 1.1 4 Jul 16
Consolidated the Java jar to a single file for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
Updated documentation regarding F13, F14, and F15 on Windows.
Changed default quick launch file locations to Win 10 style.
Adjusted timing for saving and restoring colors.
Updated to Logitech SDK version 8.82.7.
Windows 1.0 26 May 16
Initial Release.
Incorporates all Mac functionality below except full-keyboard color profiles.
Mac 1.4 21 May 16
Tested in the Legion Beta; ready for action in the new expansion!
Blizzard’s transition to Metal graphics API forced a change to this app’s “do not sleep” code.
The v1.3 AddOn changes made it possible to now dramatically shrink the size of the AddOn display.
No longer warn about possible screen size changes, because most of the time it was something else.
Added out-of-control check for action bar lights (should not turn “dark” while on a taxi, as intended).
Using the AddOn commands that change color profile will correctly do nothing if “Override LGS profile” is off.
Updated calibration feedback messages in main window.
Mac 1.3 30 Apr 16
Eliminated the need for separate AddOn versions for retina or non-retina displays. G910xmit works for all.
Changed screen reading from a thread to a timed call so it runs more smoothly/reliably now.
Fixed bug that got you stuck in “lights out” mode by watching two cinematics back-to-back.
Fixed a bug introduced in v1.2 that made the text window stop scrolling.
Mac 1.2 13 Apr 16
Fixed main action bars for Warriors which also enabled Rogue stealth, Shadowform Priest, and Druid bars
The “money” animation changed in two big ways:
Straitened horizontal animations.
Made automatic profile switching more responsive.
The WoW G910 color profiles are reapplied every 5 seconds while WoW’s in the foreground.
Action bar cooldown resets no longer clear the flashing whisper notification light.
Calibrate button now asks “Are you sure?” before clearing your current settings.
Mac 1.1 29 Mar 16
Added new option to automatically switch to color profile 2 when a typing window opens.
Added new option to alert you when a chat windows open during combat.
Increased responsiveness of lights changing due to action bar (cooldown) changes.
Reduced delay to stop the “in combat” light animation in some circumstances when you drop out of combat.
Added buttons on the main window to launch and World of Warcraft apps.
Mac 1.0 6 Mar 16
Added keyboard color profile programmer enabling full keyboard lighting control (optional).
Choose any color for up to 8 presets, and assign those preset colors to any of the keys.
Easily set custom colors for action bar cooldowns; no more hacking the preference file!
Full lighting control allows enhanced animations; several effects now play over your color scheme.
Eliminates gradual darkening of your LGS lighting profile after many animations.
Two programmable color profiles can be toggled from inside of WoW.
Imposes color profile on keyboard whenever WoW switches to the foreground.
Fixed extra cooldown cycling after rezzing.
Mac 0.94 8 Feb 16
Eliminated delay playing the animation after you change specs and fixed the cooldowns to update only once
Added alternative version of the AddOn for retina displays and fixed texture alignment
Mac 0.93 11 Jan 16
Enhancements to key cooldown animations:
Now works for more than just “spell cooldowns.” Number and F keys will always match their on-screen twins.
Added a flash to each key as it transitions from unavailable back to ready
Made more responsive by splitting up the “screen read” and “take action” functions into separate threads
Added /G910cdreset slash command to force the AddOn to re-sync keyboard lights with on-screen buttons
Fixed F and number keys to use independent “on cooldown” colors as defined in the preferences
Suspends spell cooldown updates while you’re dead or watching a cinematic to not mess-up those animations
Fixed out-of-combat code that messed with spell cooldowns
Added a warning message if the display resolution is changed while WoW G910 is running
Fixed size of Help window so it can be printed properly
Added call to also close help window if it’s open when main window is closed
Mac 0.92 31 Dec 15
Alpha version of spell cooldown tracking (hooray!)
What it does:
What this version does not do (until enough people tell me they care):
Shows advisory message in WoW if AddOn is run on a non-Mac system
Skips “spec changed” animation just after logging in
Accelerated some binary operations
Mac 0.91 20 Dec 15
Eliminated crash when Mac is forced to sleep
Displays the version number as reported by the LogiLED library (rather than just the bundle version number)
Optimized behavior of the main scroll view
Added Talent Spec Change LED animation
Added Ready Check LED animation
Added blinking enter key when you get a WoW (pink) or (blue) whisper
Enter key will stop blinking when you:
Move your character, or
Reply to a whisper, or
Experience another event (e.g. combat) which is animated by WoW G910
Added “lights out” mode for pre-rendered cinematics (cancel by moving your character)
Previously this only worked for cinematics using the in-game engine
Mac 0.90 28 Nov 15
Initial Release
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