Seriously Fun Mac and Windows Software

macOS v7.0       18 Oct 20

Windows v7.1    29 Nov 20

WoW G910



The app tries to calibrate for 90 seconds but the AddOn says it’s out of calibration mode after 30 seconds. What gives?


Calibration should take less than 30 seconds, so that’s how long the AddOn ignores events in WoW when you type /g910cal. But the pattern stays on the screen until something happens (e.g. combat, money, or a spell cooldown) that will overwrite the pattern. So it’s OK if the app needs more than 30 seconds as long as you don’t do anything until calibration is complete. 

Note, there is no way to stop calibration mode once it starts; the app will be unresponsive for 90 seconds or until it sees the calibration pattern.

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